Sunday, November 20, 2011

EDLD 5363 Week 1 Reflections

I was finally able to watch the web conference this week. I recently upgraded my operating system on my Mac and had to upgrade some software in order to view some websites that use Flash.

There seemed to be some confusion during the web conference it seemed that their were some technical difficulties, but in the end I was able to see and hear the information. Thankfully we received some additional direction for the week, I feel there was confusion about due dates and what was to be accomplished in the weekly assignment. Overall this seems to be similar to the photo slide show that we did earlier in the program. It appears that we will be teaming up with others again in this course. It may be harder with the holidays to get everyone together, but hopefully we can use the tools from our last group endeavor. Dr. Abernathy pointed us to her short bio video, unfortunately I could not find the link. It will be good to work on something that I love doing, my fear is I will try to make things too perfect and work on these short videos to long.

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