Friday, March 9, 2018

Change, Change, Change

I found out today that the company I work for is being acquired (potentially).  This will be the 7 merger/acquisition that I will be a part of.  I know this may not be a high number for some of you out there, for me that is being part of something like this every 2-3 years.

Luckily I have been heavily involved in most of these transactions and in most cases I have been on the acquiring side.  This side usually has all the power or at least perceived power.

What I am seeing is your typical response.  Shock, Denial, Anger, Fear.  A few people are taking the positive route, not many.

Personally I do not know where my fate lies in a new organization, I have been through this a number of times and the message to my peers is "don't worry about things that you don't have info on yet".  

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