Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Learning as a retention strategy for an organization

How can learning and development be used as a retention strategy in your organization? 

With the job market becoming tighter each day, organizations are having a difficult time finding people for their open positions.  In an increasingly competitive market pay, benefits and working conditions are always a factor, many companies find themselves having similar pay and benefits.  Just as each company wants to differentiate themselves to their customers, how does a company differentiate themselves to potential employees?

Learning and  Development is one way to differentiate.  Informed and educated employees can help exceed your customers expectations.  I know we have heard that robots will take be taking over everyone's jobs (and I for one welcome our robot overlords....just want to make sure I say a kind word in case they do take over), people will always be needed in some capacity in the workforce.  These people need and want to be developed.  In an increasingly changing word, learning and development is critical for your employees.  A company culture of learning will lead to a competitive advantage.

Most companies talk about a learning culture, many don't walk the talk.  Also many companies are still delivering learning based on past notions of what "training" should be.  The new generation of employees want something better.  The risk is we train them up and then they move onto another job, I have had countless mangers tell me that they don't want to invest in someone that will leave the company next year.  My answer is they are leaving because we are not investing in them, not because we do invest in them.  

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