Tuesday, January 24, 2012

EDLD 5398 Week Reflection: Web Conference

I was not able to attend the live web conference due to more pressing issue, the football playoffs. At least I am honest about it. Regardless I did listen to the recording and Dr. Mason provided much helpful information. I like many of my cohorts are in panic mode at this point and recognize that it is time to pay the piper. Although I have tried to keep notes on most of my activities I recognize that pulling it all together into a cohesive format will be tough in a five week period. I think I am clear on what the expectation is, but like many of the people on the web conference the idea of making sure that everything is loaded into the right system and all the work is finished is daunting. I do think this conference was one of the most helpful I have been on in the program and will make sure that I make everyone of them.

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